Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This week

This will be a busy week for AP5 students.   I intend to push you mentally in order to ready you.   Listening only once.   Speaking faster.  Using bigger words.     You need to be organized and mentally prepared and attuned.   Get ready.

A number of things will happen on Thursday.   First, homework ...

1.   Literary Essay -- Draft 2 is due.   Please do a peer edit and complete the peer editing form.  Submit this
     along with your outline and previous drafts.

2.  COC -- read pp. 125-126;  127.     I also encourage you to do some of the online activities related to
     Chapter 3 and Chapter 5.   Use the COC companion website here.

3.  S&S -- read pp. 328-332;  do exercises 13, 14, 15 (odd numbers) and 16.

4.  NGO presentation -- meet with your group before Thursday and do some planning.

5.  Answers and  Questions worksheet --  write questions for #2,4,6,8,9,13.

6.  Re-read/review  "Beware of the Dog"  as there will be a short writing activity based on it.
     (Hint -- think about 'theme').

Other stuff:

Charlie Rose (Creativity Interview)

ESL Robot Tutor     (This is very cool!)

Some grammar:

Collective nouns and counters

Grammar quiz about non-count nouns

Asking questions in academic contexts

Question-writing practice

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Les,
    I believe in point.1 above you intended to refer to Literary Essay-Draft 3 which is due tomorrow !! as Draft 2 under peer-reviewing now.
