Tuesday, March 27, 2012

For Thursday and Next Tuesday

I hope you have begun reviewing your notes and the many materials I have given you in this course.  This is also a good way of organizing these notes and handouts.

A reminder for Thursday (NGO Thursday) ...

*   review and bring your notes from last Thursday's lecture -- you will need them for the in-class writing
*   read and think about the discussion questions on the handout you received today

For next Tuesday ...

*   In S&S --   Unit 11 -- pp. 372-376  Read and complete all exercises (you've already done most of
     exercise 1)
*   In S&S -- read 'In Flanders Fields" p.221 and Do Part 1 (Reader's Response) and Part 3 (Historical
     and Sociological Dimensions).   I will ask students in groups to present their answers in a panel.
*   Choose a favourite poem (in English or your first language) or a favourite quotation and share with the
     class the significance of it for you.  You can read a bit of it or present it how you wish.   You will only
     have 30 seconds to talk about it.    Think about the very first lecture I gave about literature -- and that
     early blog post.
*   Re-read the two short stories from this second half of the semester and start reviewing the parts of S&S
     we have studied.   You need to know the vocabulary from this textbook.

This is a very good website for poems:

Poetry Foundation

This is a very good website for quotations:

Inspirational Quotes

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