Thursday, March 22, 2012

The end of week 11

To help you prepare for next Tuesday's final AWL vocabulary quiz,  I recommend you do this on-line spelling quiz  for sublist 9 & 10   here  
and these flashcards for sublist 10  here

Remember for Tuesday:

1.   Final academic wordlist (sublists 9 and 10) quiz.   Don't just study with a translation list.

2.   Literary essay final draft is due.    On the front will be a full typed double-spaced essay -- all five
      paragraphs un-edited.     You will get marks for 1) intro & conclusion draft 2   2) body paragraph 3 draft 1
     and   3)  the whole thing all together.        Please submit everything you have done and I have done with it
     to date.

3.   COC -- Read pp. 166-171

4.    Complete and bring your self or peer evaluation from the Owl Creek oral presentation.    This should be
       like this:

      Voice Quality --- How well can you understand what the person is saying. (1 = weak; 5 = strong)

1    2    3   4    5

Answering these questions will help you evaluate the summary contents:

Did the speaker mention the main characters  and briefly describe them?    Yes  or  No.
Did the speaker mention the main parts of the story plot in correct sequence?    Yes  or No.
Did the speaker touch on any important elements of literature?    Yes or No?
Did the speaker’s summary have a point?   (Was there a thesis or main idea in the speech?)    Yes or No?

Summary Contents

1   2   3    4    5

Total  mark             /10

5.    Try to complete your NGO survey by Thursday.   After Thursday,   your group should be analysing
       and summarizing the data to make it meaningful for a persuasive presentation.   You should be starting
       to play your actual presentation.

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