Monday, March 12, 2012

Homework reminder for Tuesday

I hope everyone had a good weekend.  From Facebook postings,  it appears many of you were kept busy working on your research essay for Sue.    Don't forget me.

First, some notes from last week.

I failed to put up the answers to S&S pp. 330-331.   Here they are:

Exercise 13

1.  colour       colour        color
2.  travelled    travelled    traveled
3.  either        judgement  judgment
4.  defence    defence      defense
5.  honour      honour      honor
6.  centre       centre       center
7.  cheque      cheque     check
8.  dialogue    dialogue/dialog   dialog
9.  reflection   reflexion    reflection
10. neighbour  neighbour  neighbor

Exercise 14

1.  The trunk of our car is full of old books.
2.  The tap in our bathroom is leaking.
3.  Every Thursday night, I watch reality shows on TV.
4.  Yesterday, a thief stole my sister's purse.
5.  Would you like some dessert? It's chocolate cake.

Also,  Ruizen noted an error in my marking of Vocabulary Quiz #3.   The syllabification of compilation
has two options:   stress on first and third or only on third syllable -- 4/1,3  or 4/3.   Hence,  I will add a point to everyone's quiz who I marked that wrong, which will amount to 3%.

Finally, homework for Tuesday.

1.   Literary Essay introduction and conclusion paragraphs draft 1 are due.

2.   COC -- lecture part 1 notes -- you will use these notes in pairs to give a spoken summary.

3.   S&S --   Read and do pp.  63-70   "An Occurrence at Owl Creek" and writing pp.347-352

This scene from The Fugitive came to mind as I read the short story.   A great movie.

4.   And don't forget the next ten academic words to study.

See you tomorrow.

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